Trusted by leading OSS projects and Fortune 500 companies.
We developed Nx to be modular and incrementally adoptable to meet you where you’re at.
We developed Nx to be modular and incrementally adoptable to meet you where you’re at.
Current CI systems are slow, hard to maintain and unreliable. With Nx Cloud we introduce a new task based approach to making CI for monorepos not just fast but also cost efficient. It plugs right into your existing CI setup, enabling features such as remote caching, dynamically allocating machines to distribute tasks, providing fine-grained e2e test splitting and automated flakiness detection. All with a single line of code!
Powerful and elegant UI
CI application build for monorepos, so you can quickly find what failed, debug and optimize.
Halve your CI bill
With 30% to 70% faster CI Nx Cloud makes it cheaper, while also making it more maintainable and reliable.
Cost per month for CI compute. Data collected based on a typical month of CI runs measured on the Nx OSS monorepo.
Works with your current CI
Use your current CI provider, export your compute and slash your CI bill by using Nx engines to save time, better performance and proper developer experience.
Tangled codebases without well-defined ownership crush the velocity of teams and the quality of products. Nx fixes it. By defining project boundaries, developers ensure code stays modular and easy to maintain. By using Nx's plugins and code generation , developers can standardize best practices and reduce duplication. And they can keep everything up-to-date by using Nx's automated updating mechanism.
Nx Plugins are like VSCode extensions, but for your Nx workspace. They autodetect the tools you use and configure caching, task distribution, and test splitting for them. They provide code generators and utilities, making the tools work better in monorepos.
Founded 7 years ago by two ex-Googlers with the mission to revolutionize software development with the power ofmonorepos and OSS and joined by a talented and enthusiastic team among which many are publicly recognized GDEs and MVPs.
We’re closely connected with many OSS projects and companies in the ecosystem and highly motivated in bringing you the best learning material via our docs, blog, YouTube channel (including live streams), at conferences and via our Enterprise podcast and dedicated webinars.